"Der erste Schluck aus dem Becher der Natur führt zum Atheismus, doch auf dem Grund wartet Gott." Zitat Werner Heisenberg, Atom- und Quantenphysiker
Angebote für Sie / dich:
W o r k s h o p s "BEWUSSTSEIN"
E n e r g i e a n w e n d u n g
alte Heilmethode anhand überlieferter Hochkulturen neu überarbeitet - vergleichbar mit Akupunktur ohne Nadeln und Homöopathie hoher Potenz.
Individuelle B e r a t u n g zur Unterstützung der Gesundheit von Körper und Geist aufgrund natürlicher Naturgesetze
K r ä u t e r ö l a n w e n d u n g
für Gesicht, Hände, Füße, Rücken zum
Wohlfühlen und Entspannen
K r ä u t e r ö l e Zubereitung und Verfeinerung uralter Rezepte aus Naturapotheke und Volksmedizin, vor Trennung in Arzneimittel, Lebensmittel und Kosmetik, ohne Farb-, Duft- und Zusatzstoffe zur inneren und äußeren Verwendung
Anfragen und Buchung per E-mail
Nature gives strength and peace, it often helps and heals. Even our ancestors already knew that! Plants and herbs are often named after Greek and Roman gods and to the saints due to positive experience in treating illnesses.
The power of nature is more than the inquiring mind can recognize.
Science creates knowledge and questions. It developed slowly and discovered valuable ingredients and active substances whose effects had previously been seen as supernatural powers.
Yet all the scientists cannot fully understand or even reproduce the metabolic processes of the whole plant in the whole body in any laboratory in the world. Faith comes through experience! Nature is more than what can be seen on the surface. Scientific studies of individual parts are faulty without considering the whole. Many scientific results follow experiences that cannot be proved logically. Still, many experiences show positive effects that are of interest for research and the development of mankind.
Ancient empirical knowledge based on practical experience must no longer be denied to people. The use of too many chemicals can cause severe health problems, many people turn back to products using the natural power of nature. Try them for yourself!
Our motto:
"Nature puts materials together as they go together."
"The whole plant for the whole person" Chinese medicine.
"Your food shall be your medicine." Hippocrates, physician and philosopher